Knob & Tube Wiring

Contact Our Team if You've Uncovered Knob & Tube Wiring in Your Home!

If you’re a homeowner in the Berkeley, CA area, then it’s likely that you’ve heard the term “knob and tube wiring.” Whether you’ve heard your homeowner’s insurance company talk about this, or even your friends and family, it’s important to know what knob and tube wiring is and what to do about it.

This form of wiring is an old style of electrical wiring that was used as a standard method of wiring buildings and homes from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. It is named for the ceramic knobs that support the wires, as well as the tubes that protect the wires throughout your home's wood framing. Knob & tube wiring might run through all or part of your home; it can often be recognized once you identify its rubber or asphalt-saturated cotton cloth coating. 

Local Technician Repairing Knob & Tube Wiring in Berkeley, CA

Knob & tube wiring was phased out of residential use in the 1940s once better alternatives rose to prominence. This type of wiring does not meet modern electrical safety codes, as it was designed to carry a much lighter electrical load than modern appliances are designed to use. If you’re living in or purchasing an older home in the Berkeley, CA area, you’re going to want to make sure you check to see which type of electrical wiring your home contains and take steps to handle the situation if you have knob & tube wiring.

Explore the Dangers of Knob & Tube Wiring

If you identify knob & tube wiring in your home, it's important to resolve the issue and rewire your home as soon as possible. Knob & tube wiring can be unsafe as well as inefficient; over time, the wires can heat through their rubber coatings, leading to exposed live wires. This creates a serious fire hazard, especially around your home's insulation. In addition, because knob & tube wiring doesn't have the ground wire found in modern systems, there is no protection if a fault occurs. This further increases the risk of electrical shock to you or members of your household, as well as your fire risk.

Because this type of wiring is often hidden in attics or wall cavities, it can be difficult to detect at first. Once it is found, it is possible that it won't be active. When homes are rewired, many electricians will simply leave the old deactivated wiring behind.

Reach Out to Our Certified Electricians in Berkeley, CA

If you have found knob & tube wiring in your home in the Berkeley, CA area, if you want to upgrade your insulation, or if you have an old house and want to be sure that your electrical systems are safe, it's best to consult an experienced electrician. Contact the professionals at Berkeley Electric right away. Our reliable local electrician has the knowledge, experience, and equipment to handle your problem quickly and effectively. We will inspect your home thoroughly to find evidence of knob & tube wiring, then gauge whether it's live or not. If we do find live knob & tube wiring, we can perform efficient electrical rewiring services to provide your home with safe and up-to-code electrical work. Our reliable electrician will be available to answer any of your questions and address any concerns. We won't stop until you are completely satisfied. Get in touch today to schedule a consultation!

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